Fresh baguette in the morning... and then again in the afternoon
Eating breakfast and listening to the radio with my host dad in our pjs.
My French professor wearing his purple trousers... again.
Coffee at Malongo with my girls
Getting lost with Claudia from our class tour of the Pantheon
Running along the Seine
Having someone ask you for directions - I look French at last!
Someone playing 'As Time Goes By' on a saxophone in the metro
Grilled cheese and ham sandwiches with my host brother, with the table fully set
Nutella crepes
Saying Les Champs-Elysees as often as you like in your best French accent
Free roses from the flower shop on the corner (I knew winking at that sales-boy would pay off)
Tea with madame after dinner
Seeing the Eiffel Tower twinkle its lights on the hour each night from my window
Simply being in Paris.
that sounds perfect to me!