Sunday, February 7, 2010

A Few Pictures

Love the French Advertising.
Les Galeries Lafayette.
Americans have no idea how to shop in style. There were champagne bars in the shops and every single designer you could think of.
The Musee D'Orsay - We are able to get into all the museums for free with our Sorbonne IDs.
My favorite Monet.
Van Gogh's self-portrait with some man in my way.
Me in a sea of scarves, a dream come true. This was a small shop in St. Micheal - the Latin Quarter and popular student part of the city.
An evening boat tour on La Seine - that would be Notre Dame on the horizon.
La Bastille - the square near our student center and another popular place for young people to go out. The new opera house is also on this square.


  1. As we sit here in 30 inches of snow, I can say without a doubt...I'd rather be in Paris!! AU is closed now...probably won't open for a few days.
    We miss you---but be glad you are not here!!!

  2. Love the pictures! by the way - I love your title - "A moveable Feast!" It is great! You are awesome!
