Wednesday, February 24, 2010


7:45 - my first alarm goes off
8:15 - I finally get up
8:45 - Breakfast consisting of fresh baguette and coffee. Sometimes I eat with Madame and sometimes I eat alone.
9:15 - I leave the apartment
10:00 - My 2 hour French grammar class with M. Fesquet. It is a class of around 25 students from all over the world, although predominantly Asian. It is conducted entirely in French and we spend about an hour each day on grammar excercises and an hour talking about French culture. For instance today M. Fesquet explained to us why the French has 6 weeks of paid vacation. Our professor is a very jolly guy and wears the same purple pants for an entire week.
12:00 - I walk to St. Micheal with a couple of friends for the cheapest lunch we can find
2:30 - We go to the ACCENT center for our class on the history of Paris, or I attend a conference at La Sorbonne, or we met our Paris class somewhere in the city (ex. Musee de Cluny ou Notre Dame)
4:30 - I head home or go to coffee with some friends
6:00 - Go for a run on the Champs des Mars
8:30 - Dinner with M. et Md. Dumontier. Dinner is generally a 3 course meal starting with a salad or soup, then followed by a main dish, and then desert which could be anything from a dark chocolate raspberry tart or fruit salad. Then Madame and I have tea as she continues to converse with me in French. The Dumontiers absolutely spoil me - and I'm loving it.
10:00 - I do my homework
11:30 - sleep.


  1. I love the details. the bit about the alarm clock. I seem to recall your alarm going off a few times in the mornings! ;)
    Two hours. yesh. purple pants. double "yesh."
    The dinner sounds lovely! So does the walk to lunch and the casual meeting at just, you know, le Notre Dame for one of your classes! that is so surreal! =]
