Thursday, February 4, 2010

Water, not Champagne

Other than missing my connection in London and having to get on a later flight to Paris everything about my trip went smoothly. I arrived at the student center at around 1:00pm and instead of putting us with our families on the first night I stayed with all the other students in my program in a hotel. We had a short orientation session and were then set loose in the city. The hotel was near La Bastille where the new opera house is and many restaurants and bars. I wondered through the cobble stone streets with a few of the other girls stopping in at places on La Rue de la Roquette and eventually having dinner. Our server at dinner was wonderful. Recognizing right away that we were Americans he handed us English menus, but after a story from my Microeconomics professor I asked for a French menu, just to make sure the prices were the same. When we asked for water he brought us tap water which he had put in a champagne bottle and then in the fridge to keep it cold. At first we thought we had ordered the wrong drink, and seriously if we couldn't order water correctly then perhaps coming here was mistake. But then the waiter explained and at the end of dinner there were five empty champagne bottles on the table. I am sure the other guests in the restaurant thought we were having a great time.

1 comment:

  1. ha ha. Well, you were any way, weren't you? You're in Paris!!!!
